Finland Reference
Pirkkala Paineellinen tulppaus DN100 käyttövesilinjan saneeraus Uudet käyttöventtiilit Tulppaukset ja ohitukset Ohituksen pituus 6 metriä Kaikki muutostyöt ilman jakelukeskeytystä! Lappeenranta Paineellinen tulppaus DN400 & DN 600 käyttövesilinjan saneeraus Uudet käyttöventtiilit Tulppaukset ja ohitukset, vedenottamon saneeraus Ohituksen pituus 40 metriä Kaikki muutostyöt ilman jakelukeskeytystä! Kotka Paineellinen haaroitus PEH 600 runkolinja DN400 paineellinen haaroitus Käyttövesi Paine 5 […]
Russia Reference
Russia B30 hot tapping to under pressure metal gas pipeline. Finished in 3 hours. Moscow, Russia.
Tonisco Renewed Website
05.11.2020 Tonisco Renewed Website Tonisco was founded in 1969 by Touko Nisso in Finland. Tonisco started as a small company who was making equipment for hot tapping purposes and since then it has grown and expanded in the the world leading company it is today. Tonisco has been passed on over generations and is now in its […]
New Product Tonisco
05.11.2020 New Tonisco Product Tonisco was founded in 1969 by Touko Nisso in Finland. Tonisco started as a small company who was making equipment for hot tapping purposes and since then it has grown and expanded in the the world leading company it is today. Tonisco has been passed on over generations and is now in its […]
Tonisco History
13.07.2020 Under pressure since 1969 Tonisco was founded in 1969 by Touko Nisso in Finland. Tonisco started as a small company who was making equipment for hot tapping purposes and since then it has grown and expanded in the the world leading company it is today. Tonisco has been passed on over generations and is now in […]