AVK PE Hot Tap Valve for Gas

La description

AVK has an extensive range of internationally approved PE ball valves, ranging as of OD20 up to OD180mm. Made from high performance PE100 material AVK PE ball valves can be welded to all PE100 and PE80 pipes making the valve an integral part of fully welded leak-free pipe system. Minimum full bore for all sizes ensures limited pressure drop and greater flow through the valve. Valves are delivered with double spigot length, allowing for a second electro fusion weld if needed.

Détails techniques

Taille de piquage en charge: DN20 (3/4")-DN200 (8")
Max. Température: 160 °C
Max. pression:16 bar
Product number: N/D Category:

Types de vannes pris en charge


  • Conduites PE
  • Pour réaliser des nouveaux branchements sur conduites en services


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