Quality, Safety, Health, Environment

Tonisco values quality, safety, health and the environment. These are present in Tonisco’s everyday activities and in all of Tonisco staff. Tonisco products are of the best quality, Made in Finland. Tonisco pays careful attention to the safety of manufacturing the products as well as when providing a service for customers. The environment is important to Tonisco, we wishes to be more and more environmentally friendly and therefore work in a way, which is not harming the environment.

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Quality at Tonisco is a part of everyday. Tonisco products are manufactured and designed in Finland and with great honor we can mark them as “Made in Finland”. Quality is an integrated part of Tonisco Service. It is all the staff’s responsibility to ensure that we are working in our best quality. We are proud to admit that quality is a point of pride for us. With our years of experience we are able to set the quality across the industry. We are customer focused and constantly eager to improve. Quality management at Tonisco:

  • We make sure that all the materials and parts used in manufacturing are of the best quality
  • We learn from our mistakes and take into consideration requirements from our customers to constantly better our products and services


Tonisco takes safety seriously and it is implemented into our everyday activities. At Tonisco, before any Service the team does a safety analysis make sure that all possible risks can be minimised. Also, in the manufacturing stage of Tonisco products safety is ensured. We want to be able to avoid any dangerous situations and always try our best to be the safest possible.

At Tonisco we are committed to:

  • Train all of our employees so that they are qualified and have the necessary certificates for the job
  • Make sure to have all the necessary protective gear
  • Manufacturing products which are safe, and guiding our customers to use them in a safe way
  • Making sure that our customers can prevent bigger problems down the line
Tonisco Safety


Tonisco Team 2020-1

Tonisco has a wide health and safety program for all of its employees. We make sure to assess the worksite and check for any potential hazards. Our staff is closely monitored and their health is tracked for any potential health hazards. Of course Tonisco wants to prevent any activity which could cause health risks. At Tonisco everyone is valued equally and health is taken into consideration in all positions of the company.


For us at Tonisco the environment is important. To protect the environment, we comply with all government regulations and follow the best industry practices. If the unthinkable happens, and something goes wrong, we have response plans to keep environmental impact to a minimum. The Tonisco way of maintaining and modifying pipelines under pressure allows for minimum waste of materials, leading to less product waste and use of energy. We at Tonisco also build environmental safeguards directly into our products that minimize the risk of product escape and eliminate the need to depressurize pipelines.

Water Line Stop

COVID-19 Hygiene and Security plan 2020-2021


At Tonisco, we are committed to putting our people first. Due to the current world pandemic, COVID-19, we at Tonisco we pay special attention to the working safety precautions provided by the World Health Organization.

Disclaimer: This document reflects to our best knowledge at the time of writing and will be continually updated to incorporate new safety precautions as they surface.

We have implemented a number of safety precautions that will help us reduce the exposure to COVID-19. See Tonisco guidelines below:

During this time, we want to emphasize:

  1. Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  2. When possible maintain at least 1-meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and others.
  3. When possible wear a mask and dispose of it after use.
  4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands.
  6. Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house, wear a mask to avoid infecting others.
  7. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call by telephone in advance if possible and follow the directions of your local health authority.

Of course, we will be monitoring the situation and continuing to update the COVID-19 safety precautions given by the World Health Organization as they surface. We thank you for your understanding and patience.

Thank you,

Tonisco Group

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Maintenance tools and services for pressurized pipelines.

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Kalkun kehätie 19,

33330 Tampere, 




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+358 3 2611724


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