Heating & Cooling

Heating & Cooling

Tonisco Service offers hot tapping and line stopping services in the district heating or cooling networks. Different types of district heating or cooling modifications, maintenance, or expansion jobs are performed professionally and quickly by our experienced service technicians, all while the line is operational. Performing the service while the line is operational is effective, environmentally friendly and often reduces the overall cost of the service significantly compared to other methods.

Tonisco - Quality you can trust!

Tonisco Service offers an easy and safe turnkey solution for making new branch connections to existing district heating and cooling distribution networks. Tonisco makes sure that the customer will get a new branch outlet while the system is in full operation. The hot tapping process can be made to any main pipe material using the standard valves that the customer has chosen to its network.

Tonisco line stopping service offers a cost-effective and reliable solution for making any modification or repair work to a district heating or cooling network without service interruptions. Tonisco Service will make sure that no matter what the repair need is in the network, it can be done while the system remains in full operation.

Tonisco Monitor DH

We provide inline leak detection solutions and a full inline monitoring system for your network. Fast and easy turnkey installations without interrupting the service at any stage.


Tonisco offers welding and insulation services for heating and cooling distribution network pipelines.

Our certified welders will handle all fitting and repair works for steel and PE pipes. It makes the project move smoothly when welding and insulation services are delivered by one contractor.

Tonisco logo wide website

Maintenance tools and services for pressurized pipelines.

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Contact Information

Kalkun kehätie 19,

33330 Tampere, 




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Customer Service:

+358 3 2611724


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