Leak Detection

Tonisco Service is a frontline pioneer when it comes to inline leak detection and network control solutions. Our aim is to provide our customers with the most cost-effective tools and solutions to increase their knowledge about the condition of their water distribution networks. We feel that all leaks and anomalies are preventable by working together and using cutting-edge leak detection and monitoring systems on the market.

We provide inline leak detection solutions and a full inline monitoring system for your network. Fast and easy turnkey installations without interrupting the service at any stage.

Network Control - Data driven asset management

MONITOR W by Tonisco is a full-scale monitoring system for controlling and monitoring of your water distribution network. It can be installed to any working network using installation techniques that allow us to install the complete system while the network is operating normally.

The system consists of a hardware monitoring unit including pressure and flow sensors and a software unit that transmits the pipeline data wirelessly to a tailored customer control platform. The system will automatically inform the customer of the current state of the network and alert any time there is a leak or any other abnormal changes in the network.

Using the MONITOR W system in the network, allows the customer to build a digital twin from its network, which will increase the level of predictability and allow better use of hydraulic modeling throughout the whole system.

The MONITOR W system is designed so that it is much more compact and cost-effective than any other data collecting system found on the market. Download the full brochure and we’ll help you make better investment decisions on your network.

Inline Leak Detection

Tonisco Service works together with leading technological partners, offering leak detection and pipeline integrity services with the most advanced technologies found on the market.

UTILIS, Treated water Leak detection:

Get the “big picture” of your potential leak points by using satellite technology developed for the space industry. A fast and easy way to get data to help with your decision making.

Pure Technologies, Smartball:

With the free-swimming acoustic SmartBall solution, it is possible to get accurate leak and gas pocket information without any service interruptions. The SmartBall mapping utilizes the latest accelerometer and gyroscope technology to create a field generated X and Y map of a pipeline, which can be used by pipeline managers to get a better understanding of the current status of their network. The SmartBall is capable of finding and locating even the smallest leaks from the networks before they turn into headlines in the local newspaper!

Tonisco Service will take care of the complete process from planning and insertion to extraction and report analysis. Make the decision today and start running your network based on facts instead of gut feelings!

Key Features

Key features of Tonisco leak detection and network control services

  • All solutions can be implemented without service interruptions
  • Fully scalable service portfolio
  • Turnkey process control
  • Guaranteed results
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Contact Information

Kalkun kehätie 19,

33330 Tampere, 




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+358 3 2611724


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